Reading Notes: Canterbury Tales, Part B
The second part of the Canterbury Tales was a great read! I decided to draw my inspiration for my own story from “The Prioress’s Tale: Little Hugh.” I like how this story begins with “There was once in a great city…..” In my story I plan on starting it off in a similar way. The original story is pretty dark in which the devil convinces the Jews to kill the little boy, Hugh. In my story I want to change the theme to be more happily ever after feel. For example, in my story Hugh will be a poor child born to a single mother who live in poverty. Early on every one can tell that Hugh is very intelligent and has a gift for learning. However, because of his social status he is not allowed to go to school and learn the ancient readings. My story will be about his journey to greater education and knowledge, which will be filled with challenges. I plan on adding a religious theme that will give my main character, Hugh, the strength to overcome his challenges. I also really liked the idea of the unnatural and miracles that happen and would like to incorporate that into my own story as well.
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