Growth Mindset: Quote of Action

“Instead of procrastinating, we need to use the present time! It’s not hard to push things off, but in the end, now is better than later! Whatever you’re meant to do, DO IT NOW!”

I haven’t completed a lot of Growth Mindset challenges up until this point in the course. However, since I’ve found the time to engage in some of the extra credit assignments, I have found it really interesting. This week, I found a quote that inspired me for my challenge. Anyway, I liked how the quote was short, sweet and to the point. It left me with a sense of urgency. Like many of us, I have left myself fall victim to a good old Netflix binge instead of studying. Who hasn’t?! But it’s usually not owed to any other reason besides me not wanting to START my assignment. However, after I finally begin, the ball really gets rolling for me. So I am going to try to try an experiment to just make myself simply begin my assignments on time. I think this will help me a great deal even if I need to take a break because I am often more inclined to work on a project that I have already started. So like the quote says, I am going to begin my DO IT NOW attitude!


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